S. Bonettini V. Ruggiero
IP-PCG is a C++ software designed to solve large-scale Nonlinear Programming
Problems (NLP). It employs a Newton inexact interior point algorithm [1,
2, 3, 4]
with a line search strategy based on the Eisenstat and Walker rule, even in the
nonmonotone case [5]. At each step of the interior point
algorithm, a perturbation of the Newton equation is solved by the Preconditioned
Conjugate Gradient (PCG) method, with a suitable indefinite preconditioner [6,
7, 8]. The preconditioner is factorized in a Cholesky like
form by means of the BLKFCLT routine. The currently
implemented IP-PCG is provided of a partial AMPL interface Authors:
Dept. of Mathematics, University of
Ferrara - ITALY,
This work is supported by the Italian FIRB Project
Parallel Algorithms and Numerical Nonlinear
Optimization (grant RBAU01JYPN), http://dm.unife.it/pn2o
and by the Italian M.I.U.R. Project
Numerical Methods and
Mathematical Software in Applications (grant 2004012559),
The compressed file ip_pcg (590 KB) contains the binary version for the Itanium 2 platform running HP-UX operating system, compiled with the +Ofaster option by the aCC compiler.
The executable file should be called from the command line as follows
./ip_pcg stub.nl [options]
where stub.nl is the AMPL generated .nl file of an NLP problem. A detailed description of the output and of the user available options can be found here.
Remark: if you use our code then you are kindly asked to cite this page, together with the references [4] and [7] here below.