Numerical solution for pseudomonotone variational inequality problems by extragradient methods (vipsegm.pdf)



Extragradient method with constant steplength                  (see section 1 vipsegm.pdf)
Extragradient method with adaptive steplegth (Marcotte's version)         (see section 2.1  vipsegm.pdf)
Extragradient method with adaptive steplegth (first modified version) (see section 2.1 vipsegm.pdf)
Extragradient method with adaptive steplegth (second modified version) (see section 2.1  vipsegm.pdf)
Projection-Contraction method (Solodov-Tseng) (see section 2.3 vipsegm.pdf)
Hyperplane projection method (Solodov-Svaiter) (see section 2.4  vipsegm.pdf)