Siti utilizzati per la ricerca


In questa pagina vengono riportati i siti dai quali si è attinto il materiale (immagini, testi, spiegazioni) che, elaborato, ha permesso la realizzazione di questa tesi su Internet.

[1] La storia delle matematiche in rete

[2] Mac Tutor history of mathematics

[3] History of mathematics

[4] Sisteme positionnel & Sisteme additionnel

[5] The development of counting system and notation

[6] Egyptian Fractions

[7] An introduction to Egyptian Mathematics

[8] Mesopotamian Mathematics

[9] Sumerian metrological numeration systems

[10] Greek numbers and arithmetic

[11] Arithmetic with Roman Numerals

[12] Roman numerals (History and use)

[13] A history of Zero

[14] Development of Mathematics on Ancient China

[15] Mayan numbers

[16] The Mayan Numerals

[17] Thales' circle

[18] Thales: Fragments and commentary

[19] Similar triangle

[20] Early Greek Philosophy

[21] Optics

[22] Euclid's Other Works

[23] An introduction to the Works of Euclid

[24] Introduction

[25] The Elements by Euclid

[26] A proof suggested by Pappus' Theorem

[27] Euclid's theorem (Proof)

[28] Welcome to the Platonic Solids as Demonstrated in Book Thirteen of Euclid's Elements

[29] The Catapult

[30] Archimede e gli specchi ustori

[31] Archimedes' Screw

[32] The Lever

[33] Archimedes' Principle

[34] Measurement of a circle

[35] Spiral of Archimedes

[36] La teoria della misura da Archimede a Bonaventura Cavalieri

[37] Archimedes Tombstone

[38] The Sand Reckoner

[39] Cones for conic sections (Apollonius theory)

[40] Conics - The classical definition

[41] Apollonius Point

[42] Apollonius' angle trisection

[43] Diophantus Riddle

[44] Diophantine equations

[45] 1, 3, 8, 120, ...

[46] Arithmetica of Diophantus

[47] Archimedean Solids (Pappus)

[48] Pappus Areas

[49] Pappus's Hexagon Theorem

[50] Pascal's Theorem

[51] Pappus Configuration for Circles

[52] Pappus-Guldinus theorem

[53] Who was Fibonacci?

[54] Fibonacci Sequence

[55] Hindu-Arabic Numerals in the West (The abacists and the algorists)

[56] Hindu-Arabic Numerals

[57] A history of Zero

[58] Ancient India's Contribution to Mathematics

[59] The origin of the decimal system

[60] Arabic Numerals

[61] The art of algebra from al-Khuwarizmi to Viete

[62] Gerolamo Cardano: il matematico libertino

[63] The fundamental theorem of algebra

[64] The development group theory

[65] Ars conjectandi

[66] Probability concepts (permutations and combinations)

[67] Binomial theorem

[68] Bernoulli numbers and polynomials

[69] Law of Large Numbers

[70] Stirling's Formula

[71] Theorie analytique des probabilites

[72] Essai philosophique des probabilites

[73] teorema di Bayes

[74] Nova methodus

[75] The contributions of G. W. Leibniz

[76] De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas

[77] The Euler Gallery

[78] Fooling with Euler Series

[79] Euler gamma Function Constants

[80] Beta distribution

[81] Leonhard Euler (from "A Short Account of the History of Mathematics " by W. W. Rouse Ball)

[82] Abaci

[83] Leonardo da Vinci's mechanical calculator

[84] Leibniz on computer

[85] Calculating Machines

[86] History (The evolution of the computer)

[87] Computer timeline

[88] Napier Bones

[89] Napier's bones: A Java simulation

[90] B. Pascal's Arithmetic Machine

[91] W. Schickard's mechanical calculator

[92] G. von Libniz's Step Reckoner

[93] Musee des arts et metiers: La revue

[94] Babbage difference engine

[95] Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine

[96] George Stibitz

[97] Konrad Zuse

[98] The Z3

[99] John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry

[100] The first general-purpose electronic computer

[101] The Manchester Mark 1

[102] The first Stored Program Computer: EDVAC

[103] EDSAC

[104] The Turing machine

[105] How to observe a Turing machine

[106] Turing Machine simulation in Java

[107] FORTRAN Language

[108] COBOL

[109] 1970 PASCAL

[110] BASIC Language

[111] 1972 History of C Language

[112] The History of invention

[113] Software

[114] MATLAB

[115] Mathcad Publications Reference List

[116] DERIVE

[117] Maple

[118] Mathematica