The project "Geometry on algebraic varieties" is an italian national project funded by MURST (Ministero Università Ricerca Scientifica, now MIUR) and various universities.
The project started in November 2000 and will last in 2002.
"Geometry on algebraic varieties"
which gathers many
italian algebraic geometers is split into five units (Ferrara, Milano, Napoli, Roma, Torino).
The central coordinator is A. Verra (Roma III), local coordinators are: Ph. Ellia (Ferrara), A. Lanteri (Milano), F. Orecchia (Napoli), A. Verra (Roma), A. Conte (Torino). Themes of research cover many aspects of algebraic geometry (for more details, see the various sections). These are the web pages of the unit of Ferrara.