
M. Andreatta- M. Mella: Morphisms of projective varieties from the viewpoint of Minimal Model Theory, to appear (Dissertationes Mathematicae)

A. Arsie- S. Brangani: On non-rigid projective curves, to appear (Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. e Politecnico di Torino)

E. Ballico- N. Chiarli-S. Greco: Linearly normal curves with degenerate general hyperplane section, Hiroshima Math. J., Vol. 32, pp. 217-228 (2002)

E. Ballico- N. Chiarli-S. Greco: Projective schemes with degenerate general hyperplane section II, to appear (Beitrage zur Algebra u. Geometrie)

E. Ballico- N. Chiarli-S. Greco: Projective curves: multisecant varieties and lifting problems, preprint (2001)

D. Bazan - E. Mezzetti: On the construction of some Buchsbaum varieties and the Hilbert scheme of elliptic scrolls in P5, Geometria Dedicata 86, 191-204 (2001)

V. Beorchia - D. Franco: On the Moduli space of 't Hooft Bundles, preprint 2001, to appear (Annali di Ferrara)

V. Beorchia - G. Sacchiero: One Jump Weierstrass Gap Sequences, preprint (2002)

S. Brangani: Rational surfaces of degree 5 and 6 in P3 with isolated triple points, preprint (2002)

S. Brangani-S. Carlini-E. Kleppe: Multilinear maps, preprint (2002)

M.Brundu - G. Sacchiero: Stratification of the moduli space of four-gonal curves, preprint (2001)

M.Brundu - G. Sacchiero: On rational surfaces ruled in conics, preprint (2002)

G. Casnati: Covers of algebraic varieties IV. A Bertini theorem for scandinavian covers, Forum Math., vol. 13, n° 1, pp. 21-36 (2001)

G. Casnati: Covers of algebraic varieties V. Examples of covers of degree 8 and 9 as catalecticant loci, preprint (2002)

G. Casnati-F. Catanese: Quadratic sheaves and self-linkage, preprint (2001)

G. Casnati -A. Del Centina: On certain loci of curves of genus g > 3 with Weierstrass points whose first non-gap is three, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., vol. 132, pp. 395-407 (2002)

G. Casnati-A. Del Centina: A characterization of bielliptic curves and applications to their moduli spaces, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., vol. 181, pp. 213-221 (2002)

G. Casnati-A. Del Centina: On certain loci of smooth degree d > 3 plane curves with d-flexes, Michigan Math. J., vol. 50, pp. 143-156 (2002)

G. Casnati - P. Supino: Construction of threefolds with finite canonical map, Glasgow Math. J., vol. 44, pp. 65-79 (2002)

L. Chiantini-N. Chiarli-S. Greco: Bounding Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for varieties with good general projections, J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 152, 57-64 (2000)

N. Chiarli-S. Greco: Space curves with large defects, to appear (Special volume in honor of L. Toti Rigarelli, Siena)

N. Chiarli-S. Greco-U. Nagel: Regularity bounds for projective subschemes of codimension two, J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 40, 37-59 (2000)

N. Chiarli-S. Greco-U. Nagel: When does a projective curve contains a planar subcurve?, J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 164, 345-364 (2001)

N. Chiarli-S. Greco-U. Nagel: Surfaces in P4 with extremal general hyperplane section, to appear (J. of Algebra)

N. Chiarli-S. Greco-R. Notari: Postulation of adjoint ideals and geometry of projective curves, to appear (Proc. Conference Algebraic Geometry and Commutave Algebra, for the 70th birthday of S.S. Abhyankar)

C. Ciliberto-S. Greco: On normal surfaces singularities and a problem of Enriques, Comm. in Algebra, 28, 5891-5913 (2000)

C. Ciliberto-M. Mella-F. Russo: 3-folds with one apparent double point, to appear (J. of Algebraic Geometry)

A. Corti- M. Mella: Birational geometry of terminal quartic 3-folds, to appear (Amer. J. of Math.)

A. Del Centina - Gimigliano, A.: On threefolds admitting a bielliptic curve as abstract complete intersection, Adv. Geo. 1, 245-261 (2001)

Ph. Ellia - Franco, D.: On codimension two subvarieties of P4, P5, J. Algebraic Geometry, 11, 513-533 (2002)

Ph. Ellia: A survey on the classification of codimension two subvarieties, Le Matematiche 60, Proceedings del convegno "Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (in honour of the 60th birthday of Silvio Greco)", 285-303 (2000)

Ph. Ellia: Lifting invariants of projective subschemes, preprint (2002)

Ph. Ellia-C. Folegatti: On the canonical map of smooth surfaces in P4, to appear (Comm. in Algebra)

M.L. Fania - E. Mezzetti: On the Hilbert scheme of Palatini threefolds, to appear (Advances in Geometry)

S. Greco-K. Kiyek:General elements in complete ideals and valuatios centered at a two-dimensional regular local ring, to appear (Proc. Conference Algebraic Geometry and Commutave Algebra, for the 70th birthday of S.S. Abhyankar)

M. Mella: #-Minimal models of uniruled 3-folds, Math. Z. 2001

M. Mella: Birational geometry of terminal quartic 3-folds II: the importance of being Q-factorial, preprint (2002)

E. Mezzetti - D. Portelli: On threefolds covered by lines, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg", 70 (2000), 211 - 238

E. Mezzetti: On quadrisecant lines of threefolds in P5, Le Matematiche, 60, Proceedings del convegno "Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (in honour of the 60th birthday of Silvio Greco)", 469-481 (2000)

E. Mezzetti - O. Tommasi: On projective varieties of dimension n+k rules by linear spaces of dimension k, Illinois Journal of Mathematics 46 (2), 443-465 (2002)

E. Mezzetti - O. Tommasi: Some remarks on varieties with degenerate Gauss image, preprint (2002)

U. Nagel - R. Notari - M.L. Spreafico: On the even Gorenstein liaison classes of ropes on a line, Le Matematiche, Vol. LV, Fasc. II, 229-237 (2000)

U. Nagel - R. Notari - M.L. Spreafico: Curves of degree two and ropes on a line: their ideals and even liaison classes, to appear (J. of Algebra)

R. Notari: On the computation of Weierstrass gap sequences, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torin, vol. 57, 1, 23-35 (1999)

R. Notari: A Monte Carlo method to compute the height of an ideal, to appear (Ricerche di Matematica)

R. Notari-I. Sabadini: ON the cohomology of a space curve containing a plane curve, Comm. Algebra, 29, 4795-4810 (2001)

R. Notari-M.L. Spreafico: A stratification of Hilbert scheme by initial ideals and applications, Manuscripta Math., 101, 429-438 (2000)

R. Notari - M.L.Spreafico: On curves of Pn with extremal Hartshorne-Rao module in positive degrees, J. Pure and Applied Algebra 156 (2001), 95-114

M.L. Spreafico: Linear systems, singularity and not too ramified morphisms, Ann. Matematica Pura ed Applicata IV, Vol. CLXXIX (2001), 295-307

D. Portelli: Duality of projective varieties and Lefschetz theory. An introduction, preprint (2002)